Wednesday 20th November 2024
Joint Zoom Meeting with the Scottish Branch
Dr Sandra Pendlington will present some unusual aspects of Richard’s 1482 Scottish Campaign. This entirely free presentation will be via the Zoom Platform of the Scottish Branch. Branch Members interested should contact Graham Mitchell who will supply the zoom ID and password.
Saturday 22nd February 2025
Branch Lecture
"Gardens in the Age of Chivalry" Illustrated Presentation by Michael Brown
2.00 pm at St Bede's Pastoral Centre Blossom Street York (next door to The Bar Convent)
Michael has an M.A. in garden history and created the medieval garden at Nassington Prebendal Manor. He is an author and has been a consultant to many heritage sites. He will lead you through a medieval garden, explaining the garden features, uses of the garden and some of the plants.
Please book your place at the AGM and/or lecture by emailing or telephoning Branch Secretary Graham Mitchell.
Luncheon is recommended at The Bar Convent restaurant. Tel (01904) 464910 to reserve a place.
Saturday 13th September 2025
Branch Annual General Meeting
1.30 pm at St Bede's Pastoral Centre Blossom Street York (next door to The Bar Convent)